This week has been a rough one, nothing with the baby- just my immune system. My allergies have really kicked my @#$ this week, and well I thought that's all it was, but little did I know, I have been suffering from a DOUBLE ear infection, sinus infection and strep throat! I knew I didn't feel well, but I didn't think I would be that "infectious"! The doctor put me on amoxicillin - which I was PARANOID about for a while until I picked his brain about the baby being safe, I said I would suffer if it would be better for the baby, but he assured me I would be harming her more if I don't take the medication- so here I am day two of ten on medication and I can't wait for it to really kick in. I am so surprised D and/or T aren't sick (knock on wood) - T has a bit of a runny nose, but it's clear and no other symptoms that I have, so I think the poor girl got my allergies :( Calling the doctor Monday to find out if she should do the allergy test to find out what it is, I know the feeling of the ridiculous sneezing and runny nose -- NOT FUN.
Not too much going on with baby girl this week, I swear I have been feeling her move, but I am waiting for the day when it shocks me and I really feel a push, shove, punch or kick! I did find out right now my placenta is anterior (An Anterior placenta means that the placenta is on the FRONT wall of the
uterus..meaning not against your back but rather against the belly. It
is common and causes no problems unless there has been a previous c
section or there is a need for a c section for that pregnancy. It does
however 'mute' your babies movements in the middle part of pregnancy so
its not uncommon not to feel your baby move much until he/she is much
bigger) so that's why I haven't really felt anything, but I was again told that it usually does move once the baby is bigger -- so until then I guess I have to wait or keep imagining these gas bubbles are her tap dancing :)
Today T&I went to the beach again, and that water was FREEZING, but my girl is such a fish- she couldn't stay out of it- we got there about 11:15 after dropping D off at work and got home around 1:45, and shes been napping since- hehe, what a life! (the photo(s) of the week)
hello kitty bathing suit! |
nap time after a day at the beach |
Baby is the size of an: AVOCADO!
what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one
can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to
fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an
ultrasound might be able to determine gender.
16 weeks! |
New Symptoms: my immune system is so weak! nothing else new though- still back aches like you would not believe!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: loss -- 5 lbs, was worried there for a bit, but doc said not to worry!
Maternity Clothes: dresses and yoga pants and some maternity shirts
Stretch Marks: NONE! (keep fingers crossed)
Sleep: waking up every couple hours tossing and turning :/
Movement: the butterfly feeling is there, but no strong movement yet (read blue print above) :)
Food Cravings/Aversions: so crazy, Monday morning all I wanted (at 9:00am) was TUNA FISH -- normally, I can handle tuna fish sometimes, but at 9:00AM?? My mim (grandmother) thought I was kidding until she heard the can opener- haha, other wise, no aversions, but I have been staying in the zone of only things I want, not things that will make me gag, haha!
Gender: GIRL :)
Belly Button In or Out:In!
What I Miss: Clothes that fit, my jeans are all too tight now (even after loosing 5 pounds) :(
What I am Looking Forward To: Narrowing down the name list- I have my top choice and I think it's D's, 2nd, but he doesn't have a first so hoping mine will stick -- so for now I will refer to her as "G", and hope it sticks -- haha!
Happy Saturday Everyone!!