Monday, May 28, 2012

FB officiaL :)

Well I finally posted the BIG news on Facebook this morning, and already the amounts of "likes" and comments are so humbling! I thought about it for a while and in another post I was going to post a photo of T in her BIG SISTER t-shirt, but ended up using this photo: 

So exciting :) we get to see baby G again on the 21st, can't wait!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

17 weeks!

This week has been pretty good, still on my medication for all those infections I had (strep, double ear infection and sinus infection) but I'm feel much better thank goodness.  Baby is doing well, I had a doctors appointment this week and heart rate was 152- only thing he said that had me a little worried was "uterus little bit bigger than your due date, you feeling any kicks yet??" of course he said this before checking her heart rate so I was so afraid something was wrong -- but nope, everything is okay. I have an ultra sound in 4 weeks to check out all her organs and what not so I'm excited for that! I usually write a bit more on here, but today its going to be 88 degrees and we are heading to the lake, well not D, poor guy- he has to work a double at the restaurant frying all day :( we will miss you daddy!

the photo of the week:: 
look at my loves <3 in the WRONG beds!

Baby is the size of an: ONION!
Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.

New Symptoms: As crazy as it is M/S is back full force, but seems even worse then the first trimester -- its not ALL the time, but when it hits it really takes a lot out of me :(
Total Weight Gain/Loss: neither!
Maternity Clothes:  dresses and yoga pants and some maternity shirts
Stretch Marks: NONE! (keep fingers crossed)
Sleep: exhaustion is really such an understatement. T & and Keela and Luna have NO problem sleeping at night and I'm so jealous!! I just cant seem to stay asleep, I'm either too hot, or roll on my stomach (because im stomach sleeper) and realize I cant, or my eyes just wont stay shut! 
Movement: the butterfly feeling is there, but no strong movement yet -- can't wait for that.
Food Cravings/Aversions: Mexican food, especially tacos, or just chicken with the taco seasoning.. yum!
Gender:  GIRL :)
Belly Button In or Out:In!
What I Miss: Sleeping on my stomach :(
What I am Looking Forward To: For those real kicks and punches!

17 weeks!
please excuse the dirty mirrors


Happy Saturday Everyone!!



Saturday, May 19, 2012

16 weeks!

     This week has been a rough one, nothing with the baby- just my immune system. My allergies have really kicked my @#$ this week, and well I thought that's all it was, but little did I know, I have been suffering from a DOUBLE ear infection, sinus infection and strep throat! I knew I didn't feel well, but I didn't think I would be that "infectious"! The doctor put me on amoxicillin - which I was PARANOID about for a while until I picked his brain about the baby being safe, I said I would suffer if it would be better for the baby, but he assured me I would be harming her more if I don't take the medication- so here I am day two of ten on medication and I can't wait for it to really kick in. I am so surprised D and/or T aren't sick (knock on wood) - T has a bit of a runny nose, but it's clear and no other symptoms that I have, so I think the poor girl got my allergies :( Calling the doctor Monday to find out if she should do the allergy test to find out what it is, I know the feeling of the ridiculous sneezing and runny nose -- NOT FUN. 
   Not too much going on with baby girl this week, I swear I have been feeling her move, but I am waiting for the day when it shocks me and I really feel a push, shove, punch or kick! I did find out right now my placenta is anterior (An Anterior placenta means that the placenta is on the FRONT wall of the uterus..meaning not against your back but rather against the belly. It is common and causes no problems unless there has been a previous c section or there is a need for a c section for that pregnancy. It does however 'mute' your babies movements in the middle part of pregnancy so its not uncommon not to feel your baby move much until he/she is much bigger) so that's why I haven't really felt anything, but I was again told that it usually does move once the baby is bigger -- so until then I guess I have to wait or keep imagining these gas bubbles are her tap dancing :)
Today T&I went to the beach again, and that water was FREEZING, but my girl is such a fish- she couldn't stay out of it- we got there about 11:15 after dropping D off at work and got home around 1:45, and shes been napping since- hehe, what a life! (the photo(s) of the week)
hello kitty bathing suit!
nap time after a day at the beach

Baby is the size of an: AVOCADO!

 what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.

16 weeks! 

New Symptoms: my immune system is so weak! nothing else new though- still back aches like you would not believe!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: loss -- 5 lbs, was worried there for a bit, but doc said not to worry!
Maternity Clothes:  dresses and yoga pants and some maternity shirts
Stretch Marks: NONE! (keep fingers crossed)
Sleep: waking up every couple hours tossing and turning :/
Movement: the butterfly feeling is there, but no strong movement yet (read blue print above) :)
Food Cravings/Aversions: so crazy, Monday morning all I wanted (at 9:00am) was TUNA FISH -- normally, I can handle tuna fish sometimes, but at 9:00AM?? My mim (grandmother) thought I was kidding until she heard the can opener- haha, other wise, no aversions, but I have been staying in the zone of only things I want, not things that will make me gag, haha!
Gender:  GIRL :)
Belly Button In or Out:In!
What I Miss: Clothes that fit, my jeans are all too tight now (even after loosing 5 pounds) :(
What I am Looking Forward To: Narrowing down the name list- I have my top choice and I think it's D's, 2nd, but he doesn't have a first so hoping mine will stick -- so for now I will refer to her as "G", and hope it sticks -- haha!

Happy Saturday Everyone!!



Saturday, May 12, 2012

15 weeks!

Well this week has been so exciting! As you may have read in my last post (yesterday) I found out the sex of baby #2 - a GIRL :) - and now all I can do is think of registries, what color I want to do the girlS (since I will have TWO-haha) room and most curious as to what she will look like?!?!?! Will she look like T?? I hope so, I know I am her mom, but my little girl is so cute! She is starting to catch on that there is a baby in my tummy- we sing the baby sister song and she gets so excited (its a song we made up haha) and she kissed my stomach for the first time yesterday and said "baby sissaa" ah! my heart melted.  
T & her Baby Sister <3
the photo of the week
     Yesterday was my mom's birthday and anyone that knows my mother knows she LOVES to shop - so she has been dying to find out the sex of the baby, almost as bad as I did so she can begin the clothes shopping -- side note -- I'm really lucky she likes to shop and spoils her granddaughter(s) so much because shopping stresses me outtttt; I mean picking out a few things here and there are fun, but when my mom shops its as if the president gave her an undercover mission and she NEVER fails- LOVE YOU MOMMA :) --  so as a gift from me & T, I took a photo of T holding the sonogram and put it on one side of the frame (the desk frames where there is space for two pictures) and on the other I out the picture of the sonogram where the UST (Ultra Sound Tech) pointed out LO (little one's) girl parts. I handed her the wrapped gift at dinner (we all went out to her favorite seafood restaurant, 13 of us <we take celebrating birthdays pretty serious>) and she asked if she could open it - I said sure, but then walked away from the table to grab a high chair but watched her the entire time. At first she didn't get it- which I LOVED because then the reaction came that I was waiting for -- she kept looking and then put the frame down on the table and yells "OH MY GOD -- is that really true?!?!?!" -- yes momma, another little girl, she then proceeded to pass it around the table and again since my mom didn't point it out to everyone, they didn't get it right away, they were focused on the photo of T but then would whip their heads around to  look at me and HUGE smiles on their faces! Ah what a memory that was :)

The baby is the size of a: NAVAL ORANGE
 Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now out measure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus  is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still cant feel the movements.
New Symptoms: serious back aches!! Tylenol isn't helping, neither are heating pads or back rubs :( & extreme thirst ALL the time!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Neither!
Maternity Clothes:  dresses and yoga pants and some maternity shirts
Stretch Marks: NONE!
Sleep: cant sleep past 630am :/
Movement: the butterfly feeling is there, but no strong movement yet :)
Food Cravings/Aversions: Craving Mexican food and WATER-- I NEVER drink water (i know that's bad, but true) but all of a sudden these last two weeks it's all that will quench my thirst!
Gender:  finally.. I know.... A GIRL :)
Belly Button In or Out:In!
What I Miss: Sleeping IN :(
What I am Looking Forward To: really feeling HER move around & the "Name Game" what to name baby girl #2?!

Happy Saturday Everyone!!



Friday, May 11, 2012

IT'S A ..... :)

I know I will be posting tomorrow for my weekly post, but I couldn't contain my excitement anymore... I had a private ultra sound yesterday that had been scheduled for 2 weeks now.... the wait felt like eternity because it was specifically to FIND OUT THE SEX of our baby! I brought only T with me to this appointment ; I wanted to make it special for her, so she could start to understand what is going to happen in the next 5.5 months! and of course to also be able to come home and tell D :)

As soon as the Ultra Sound Tech put the "wand" (as she calls it) on my stomach she said "well, well- are you ready?" then started laughing because apparently when she looked over at me I was CHEESING like you would not believe and Tia was S.T.A.R.R.I.N.G at the screen trying to figure out what the heck was going on-- she knew it DEFIANTLY was not Dora, but what the heck was it?!

I ,of course, with excitement started clapping and saying yesss, yesss I'm ready, I can't believe I'm going to find out this early!!...

Well without further adieu... baby #2 is.......a.................................................................................




I could not be more excited!! I was hoping for another girl, growing up with my sister D* I loved her more than anything (yes sometimes I begged mom to send her back to the baby store, but what older sister hasn't?!?!?)- playing with her and growing up with her was so much fun, and now she is my best friend. I can only hope T & her baby sister (LOVE SAYING THAT) will have a bond like my sister and I (little shout out: LOVE YOU D <3) - T is such a nurturing type of little girl, she is going to be so ecstatic when the baby comes (and yes I know, it's not going to be all roses all the time, but dandelions are okay too sometimes right?) -- I cannot believe it-- at 14 weeks and 5 days, I found out sex! Now on to registryyyy :) so excitinggggggg :) :)  

Well I guess that's it- until tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

14 weeks (+4day) whoops!

It feels like the weeks are flying by! I have my first real doctor's appointment today (I have been to an Ultra Sound Tech a few times, and since she didn't see anything was wrong or that I needed medical attention, I decided to hold off on the OBGYN because the first initial appointment was just a bunch of talking - was like listening to a broken record).  I feel pretty good these days, just really tired. I haven't posted any belly photos yet, but here are two from 13 weeks and today :)

                        13 weeks                                        14 weeks 4 days

I feel like I look bigger in the 13 week photo versus the almost 15 weeks, 
but it could just be the shirt

Baby is the size of a: LEMON!
Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth. 

New Symptoms: No major changes- nice thing is sickness symptoms seem to be going away so that's always a plus!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 1lb
Maternity Clothes:  flowy dresses, yoga pants and finally (not super happy about it, but) maternity shirts.
Stretch Marks: NONE!
Sleep: Really missing my sleep :)
Movement: still the same still cant tell if it's hunger pains or gas haha!
Food Cravings/Aversions: Craving Mexican food anything salty- pretzels are amazing and surprisingly WATER - if you know me you know that I usually HATE to drink water, but recently I've been drinking 64+ ounces a day! WAY TO GO ME :)
Gender:  Unknown- but have a feeling it's another girl- find out for sure on THURSDAY (hopefully if he/she cooperates!
Belly Button In or Out:In!
What I Miss: Sleeping :(
What I am Looking Forward To: same as last week: really feeling the baby move -- and finding out what it is : BOY or GIRL -- either way I'll be happy as long as shim's healthy :)

** Hopefully this will be the only time I forget to post! It's already fun to look back and see what was going on just a few weeks ago! 

Have a great week everyone!
