The weather here in New England is perfect these days and its really helping me feel better-except these damn ALLERGIES! The sneezing and sniffling is getting quite old! I had a rough couple of weeks with m/s and just being overall nauseous all day-- KNOCK ON WOOD-- but I feel like this is the tail end of that, thank goodness!
I've started looking into books to get T about being a big sister. She is such a nurturing spirit when it comes to other kids, even ones older than her, so I'm hoping she will feel the same way, but may feel the attention shifting a bit when the baby comes may have her beeping a different horn, but I guess we will just have to wait and see.
I was talking to a friend of mine and she gave me the best advice; (short back story)- I was feeling the anxiety of just finding out I was pregnant and needed to talk to someone who I felt wouldn't judge me- I questioned myself "how will I love this baby as much as I love T?!- T is my whole world, I wasn't living before she came into my life! Is this baby going to feel less than -- AHH what I am thinking!? - How do parents of more than one child love each child the same?!" Well my friend, A, said one simple phrase and it made all my worries and anxiety go away: "Your heart isn't forced to try to love them the same for one,but it's almost as if your heart grows another chamber which has MORE than enough to love 2+ kids -- you will see." As cliche' as that may seem, she really made all the difference in my thinking- so thanks A!!
the photo of the week: Miss T playing at the beach -- it's our "last summer as a family of 3" so we will be doing LOADS and LOADS of things to make it a special one :)
Eleven Weeks!
I've started looking into books to get T about being a big sister. She is such a nurturing spirit when it comes to other kids, even ones older than her, so I'm hoping she will feel the same way, but may feel the attention shifting a bit when the baby comes may have her beeping a different horn, but I guess we will just have to wait and see.
I was talking to a friend of mine and she gave me the best advice; (short back story)- I was feeling the anxiety of just finding out I was pregnant and needed to talk to someone who I felt wouldn't judge me- I questioned myself "how will I love this baby as much as I love T?!- T is my whole world, I wasn't living before she came into my life! Is this baby going to feel less than -- AHH what I am thinking!? - How do parents of more than one child love each child the same?!" Well my friend, A, said one simple phrase and it made all my worries and anxiety go away: "Your heart isn't forced to try to love them the same for one,but it's almost as if your heart grows another chamber which has MORE than enough to love 2+ kids -- you will see." As cliche' as that may seem, she really made all the difference in my thinking- so thanks A!!

the photo of the week: Miss T playing at the beach -- it's our "last summer as a family of 3" so we will be doing LOADS and LOADS of things to make it a special one :)
Eleven Weeks!
Baby is the size of a: LIME!
Your fetus currently enjoys a 1:1 ratio between body and head, and has
skin so transparent that blood vessels show right through. But, fingers
and toes are no longer webbed, and hair follicles, tooth buds and nail
beds are forming -- setting up a significantly more attractive future
New Symptoms: Emotional -- I've always been an emotional person, but lately just about ANYTHING can make me cry. I had to stop watching a baby story and all those baby shows on TLC because I would be hysterical watching the entire show- lol. Also, I'm starting to feel my energy coming back, but this exhaustion thing is killing me. I never was one to stay up late knowing I have to work in the morning, but I mean come on! Feeling the need to go to bed at 8:30pm every night is a BIT ridiculous- and the waking up at 6am on the dot (alarm free) what in the world! I know I know, people say "its getting you ready for the baby"- well I already have one kid that keeps me pretty per-occupied, and even she sleeps in- can a girl get a break!?
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 1lb :/- oh well, knew this was coming (gaining weight for the baby) but it's always that first gain where it's like ... here we go... haha- grow baby grow!
Maternity Clothes: None yet, still flow y dresses and yoga pants!
Maternity Clothes: None yet, still flow y dresses and yoga pants!
Stretch Marks: NONE - lets keep fingers crossed they don't come- didn't get ANY from T!
Sleep: Same as last week, can't get enough!
Movement: None
Food Cravings/Aversions: Appetite coming back, still could eat Mexican food morning, noon and night! D has fallen in love with tacos recently so now I don' t have to try and persuade him for Taco night as much anymore- haha!
Gender: Unknown- dyingggggg to know!
Belly Button In or Out: In!
What I Miss: Good nights sleep
What I am Looking Forward To: Making the BIG announcement 'WE'RE PREGNANT AGAIN!"
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