This week has been a pretty good one, recently I have been trying to think of the day I'm having rather than thinking of the week as a whole. As much pain I am in, it is all for this beautiful baby girl I will have in a little over 2 months- and she is worth it and more. The idea that she is coming so soon is scary, but exciting at the same time. I wish I would have made a blog when I was pregnant with T, so I could remember what I was feeling at this point :/ -- the worst thing right now (besides sciatica) is the heartburn, I said this last post but it is not getting any better - Milk & I have become best friends by the time it's time to go to bed! :) I get to see baby G on Wednesday again and hope she has flipped head down- it makes me nervous to think she is still breached with it getting so tight in there- after my (elective) ultra sound I have a regular doctor's appointment scheduled with one of the new MD's. That's one thing I'm not comfortable with is I'm not 100% sure who will deliver G- there are a total of 4 doctors- 2 of them I absolutely love- both males, and are wonderful and attentive- one of them delivered T- the other two are brand new to the practice and they are both female. I met one when I had the mini-stroke, and she was kind, but she looked about 6-7 months pregnant so she probably wont be there when G is ready (she will probably be on maternity leave) - so now I have to pray this other woman is nice as well. I do still want to be induced for many reasons, the two biggest reasons are: 1. To have a plan for T. I am so afraid of how she is going to react about mommy staying at the hospital and her not with me (or maybe me not being with her is what I'm afraid of)- I have NEVER slept away from her, ever- never want to. If it was appropriate I'd have her stay at the hospital with me, but I don't think it is appropriate so we will have to do the next best thing- and that is for D to come home with her at night time to keep her regular routine going or maybe have a slumber party with Lola (her grandma/my mom) she's the only other person I trust T with besides D and myself - and even when I leave her with my mom (for example if I went out with the girls) I call/text probably 100+ times -- nerve wracking! 2. my pain:: I love G with all my heart and want her to cook as long as she needs so I'm only looking to induce 4 or so days before her scheduled due date- this back pain is extreme- I hate taking medication, even Tylenol so I only take it when I can't handle it anymore.
Braxton hicks have really kicked up this week-- have them pretty often actually- such a strange feeling. I never remember having them with T, but I think that's because I was unsure what they were before (haha).
T met a new friend this week (which I love) and she adores. Her new thing to say is "mommy, where my friend?" and truly mean it- finally someone else who understands her is what she's thinking I bet. She does so well with other kids, I am so lucky & proud. Her manners and being thoughtful is so sweet to see. I am one proud mama :)
Baby is the size of a(n): CUCUMBER!

At 30 weeks, your belly’s doing more than just making it tough to find a comfortable sleeping position. It’s made itself a conversation piece. Everywhere you go, someone seems to have a comment about your physical appearance, which isn’t always so fun. And no doubt, you’ve encountered quite a few people who don’t think before they speak and say something embarrassing or hurtful (what’s up with that?) Try not to take those comments seriously, but know which ones should be taken to heart. Like when they tell you you’re glowing, believe them! And take advantage of some of the perks (when someone offers you their seat on the train -- take it!) At week 30, your dreams might be getting even weirder -- if you’re actually sleeping, that is. That could be a result of anxiety, so consider doing some prep work to help you rest easier. One idea? Do a test drive to see exactly how long it really takes you to get to the hospital. Then maybe you’ll stop having nightmares about giving birth in your car.
New Symptoms: Swollen feet by the end of the day; it's not really new- just more noticeable this past week :/
Maternity Clothes: no change, the nice part of it being dresses all the time, they grow with you ;)
Stretch Marks: NONE! (keep fingers crossed)
Sleep: same as last week, but knowing we are only 10 weeks (+/-) out- screw sleep! haha
Movement: SO MUCH MOVEMENT- I love that I can see her move <3
Food Cravings/Aversions: nothing new :)
Gender: GIRL :)
Belly Button In or Out:In!
What I Miss: Cute clothes -- I have about 8 dresses that I have in rotation now because everything else is too tight or not flattering :/
What I am Looking Forward To: 3d/4d ultrasound :) -- wish I could have them every day- or have one at home, lol- may be a little obsessive if I did that -- but so looking forward to seeing her chubby cheeks again :)
photos from the week:
my sweet gal <3 |
daddy & his "lap" dog |
oh luna <3 |
gave herself bangs- haha! |
sweetest pup there is :) |
Happy Sunday!
I can't believe we are almost done with this pregnancy. It's gone by way too fast!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it either- I feel like I blinked and the last 20 weeks have flown by -- glad to see you are feeling good :)