Cutest thing happened to me yesterday (Thursday)- don't ever remember it happening with T, I was sitting on toilet having "mommy time" (sorry if TMI) and I kept feeling her what I thought was kicking I continued to read my magazine until i realized, oh my gosh, she has the hiccups! Felt so neat!! They went on for over a minute, I felt bad for the poor girl but couldn't help but smile each time I felt one <3
I had my doctor's appointment on Tuesday, everything looks good, she's measuring correctly and what not, but had to have the talk about her being breeched. Doc said not to worry... yet... at my next appointment (about 2 weeks) if she still feels breeched I will have an ultrasound to prove it and then could possibly be sent over to the hospital to have her manually turned -- AH, scary. I need to do some research on that first. He said I would be given a shot to relax my uterus so there is a little more room, and then he would literally push on my belly to try to turn her... yeah, I'm PRAYING she turns on her own.
Short post this week, I'm going to try to lay down for a little bit while T is still asleep- this is the most recent photo of her-- my gosh is she beautiful <3 love you sweet girl!
cheeeeese :) |

Baby is the size of a: BUTTERNUT SQUASH!
Watch what you say! Your curious baby is listening in to your conversations at 34 weeks -- and might enjoy a lullaby or two -- so go ahead and sing to him. Some say that baby will recognize songs mom sings while he’s in the womb, and may even be more easily soothed by them if he’s used to them once he’s on the “outside.” At week 34, you might breathe a little easier, since baby may descend lower into your pelvis and give your lungs some space. (Ahh!) Of course, some babies don’t do this until the day they’re born, so we’re not making any guarantees. The pitfall of this descent, of course, is even more pressure on your bladder, so be prepared to make even more trips to the ladies room over the coming weeks.
New Symptoms: Dizzy spells ~ I haven't been drinking as much as I was a few weeks ago, because honestly I keep forgetting so I think I have been dehydrated which is causing the dizzy spells, but I hate them. The worst one was when I was driving with T in the car, I started to panic- but remembered I had to keep it together to where I could pull over for her safety- it was such a strange feeling. I now carry my nalgen bottle with me WHERE-EVER I go!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Well, I went to the doctors on Tuesday and I am DOWN 2 lbs-- not sure how?! I eat, plenty- and sometimes not the greatest food- so total weight gain is 9lbs
Maternity Clothes: same -->yes, since the weather is cooling down I have had to pull out some of the maternity clothing, but still rocking the dresses with quarter sleeve cover ups :)
Stretch Marks: NONE! (keep fingers crossed)
Stretch Marks: NONE! (keep fingers crossed)
Sleep: I am getting so much more tired during the day. I really try to relax at least when T naps (that's IF she naps) but I think it's time I actually nap with her. My energy by 2pm has dwindled so much that I have to eat something a little sugary to wake myself up :(
Food Cravings/Aversions: nothing new :)
Gender: GIRL :)
Belly Button In or Out:In!
What I Miss: feeling rested :/ -- I just don't feel 100% and think its unfair to T-- I am doing the best I can, so I guess that's all I can ask for!
What I am Looking Forward To: my ultrasound appointment was rescheduled for this coming thursday- bummer, but since I have been getting them for free looks like I can't complain!
What I am Looking Forward To: my ultrasound appointment was rescheduled for this coming thursday- bummer, but since I have been getting them for free looks like I can't complain!
Happy FaLL :)
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