This week was good, aches and pains were manageable, G is still moving like crazy which I love so my worry/stress load isn't AS high because some people say movement slows down because it gets so tight in there, but not G- she finds ways to move.. and when I say move, I mean move- haha! This past weekend alone was I (along with D) was so productive and I feel really good, ALMOST can say "I'm really ready for G to come now" -- we cleaned the house.. I smartly planned two weekends to get it down so I wouldn't over do it, and thank goodness I did. Last weekend I tackled the upstairs bathroom, our bedroom & the half of the kitchen- probably should have done more, (but couldn't get myself to- whoops!) oh well ~ but I paid for it this weekend- our to-do list was so long! But happy to say there are only 5 things left on it- out of 30! The house is ready. Just some little up keep here & there is all that is needed, G's clothes- ready, car is cleaned, laundry is underway- did 9 loads this weekend folded and put away thank you very much (washing, drying & folding not bad its the putting away I hate). Only things left... Keela & Luna need their baths & flea treatment, swing needs to be put together, sheets need to be changed on the bed, refrigerator cleaned out & grocery shopping! Looking at the list you would probably think giving K&L their baths would be the worst, but that will be the easiest (my animal children behave so well when it comes to bath time, they (Keela) may not LOVE it, but they never give me a hard time ~ it's the grocery shopping that I don't want to do and dread it- but I need to stock up the house because I don't plan on leaving for at least a week so we can adjust and get a routine going on. ah! I'm so excited- this week is going to fly by.
I had a doctor's appointment on Friday- cervix had not really changed, dilated about fingertip (which I have been for 3 weeks) but everything looks good! We did talk induction~ seeing as the amount of pain and agony I went thru this entire pregnancy, my doctor said it is something we could defiantly do. I was shocked.. last week my BP was a little raised (I'm usually pretty low, around 107/68) 143/94- he wasn't too alarmed, but said that also grants discussion for induction. I am not opposed of it what so ever, actually would appreciate the ability to semi-plan for T and everything else~ I go in again on Tuesday to see how things are looking (I'll be 39 weeks 3 days) and if everything still looks good.. Wednesday morning.. G will be my HALLOWEEN baby :) :) How could I say no to that? It's fate right?! My 1st baby is my forever Valentine (born 02.14.10) and to have my 2nd on another holiday.. I mean.. common :) Guess we will have to wait and see ~ keep your fingers crossed!
Lastly to discuss, my (potential) last days with it just being life with T:: makes me get really emotional... the love my life and purpose for living ~good God, I love this girl- I am determined to make them some of her best days (hopefully she will remember) her & and I had our Mommy&T dinner date (photo below- excuse my miss preggy <no typo- it's miss piggy & pregnancy put together <-- cleaver huh??> face)- she loved it! We went to Bug-a-boo creek where they have the talking animals and what not, she acted like it was the circus and behaved so well. We are (if weather permits - hurricane Sandy is coming.. :/) going to see Finding Nemo 3d hopefully Tuesday and then have a night of window shopping (will have to get SOMETHING(S) of course) at Toys R Us- she already loves that store :) She is going to be the best big sister, I can feel it. I'm sure we will have to adjust of course, it's not going to be perfect or easy, but I am 100% sure we will come out on the other side just fine :)
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mommy&t dinner date :) |
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just look at this profile & those CURLS <3 |
Baby is the size of a (n): WATERMELON!

Are we there yet? You’re probably feeling like you want to get this baby the heck out of you. We’re not sure, but the impatience and discomfort many moms feel around 39 weeks (and beyond!) might be nature’s way of getting you mentally prepared for delivery. Remember how freaked out you used to be about it? Now, at week 39 you probably don’t care what you have to do, you just don’t want to be pregnant anymore!
New Symptoms: Nothing new!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 13.5 lbs... --
Maternity Clothes: same: not much to choose from, but I'm working with what I got- leggings are my savior and oh so comfy!Total Weight Gain/Loss: 13.5 lbs... --
Stretch Marks: looks like I do have about 3 of them, but so worth it :)
Sleep: Missing it, but it's okay- this week I have not been able to stay asleep, but not feeling too many repercussions ;)
Movement: same:: SO MUCH MOVEMENT- did not think this far in I'd still be feeling so much, but it's nice to feel her moving around, I don't have to worry (as much) haha <3
Food Cravings/Aversions: spicy of course, but then sweet immediately after (at about 345am <today> I had been up for little over an hour messing around on FB on my phone in bed.. and was dying for something spicy.. since we need to go shopping my choices were limited.. but chips&salsa&sunkist did the trick, but then I IMMEDIATELY wanted Oreos & milk... VERY strange.
Belly Button In or Out:Inish.. lol/flat!
What I Miss: having more options for clothes!
What I am Looking Forward To: TUESDAY'S APPOINTMENT!- AHH!!
That wraps of the 39th week post.. (strange to see that number.. STILL).
Happy Monday :)
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