Before I get into the birth story, I just want to say T has done SO well adapting to G being here, sharing with mommy & daddy. T is so in love with G it makes me tear up thinking about it. She sings to her, smooches her, begs to hold her ~ we have not had (knock on wood) one break down of jealousy or anger. T has been amazing- I was always optimistic about how she would react because her confidence in herself and her knowing she is so special to me (her "best mommy fwend" <3)
*~*~*10:09am, break time- G is hungry!*~*~*
Well here we are again- it's Wednesday afternoon - I tried to get back on here after G was done eating, but life had other plans :) - life of a busy momma <3
Anyways, the bond I see forming with T & G already melts my heart, I really can't wait to see how things are once G is a bit more mobile and able to interact with T.
Okay- birth story time!
Tuesday morning I went to my scheduled obgyn appointment and the doctor asked me how I was feeling- at that point, my feet were the size of bricks, barley fitting in my shoes, my back ached more than ever and the heart burn was at it's all time worse. He looked thru my notes and said, "after all you have been through, I would like to get things rolling for you" I feel like someone hit pause because I just sat there for a good 30 seconds staring at him.. "what did he just say?!" and then a huge smile came on my face... "tell me what I need to do/sign etc to get this ball really rolling".. after a few moments of conversation we agreed to do the Cytotec (a modern drug used in stomach ulcer treatment. The drug has been successfully proved in numerous clinical trials and now is considered to be one of the most widespread and reliable medications. Due to modern formula of Cytotec, treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcer passes successfully and softly, delivering to the patient no inconveniences) Wednesday morning at 8am. WAHOO! I went home smiling ear to ear thinking.. "oh my gosh, I'm going to have a halloween baby.. she's going to be here TOMORROW-- holy $%^&!" I went to sleep.. barely able to close my eyes because I was full of -- well Wednesday morning came, I checked in, got all hooked up to the monitors heard that wonderful heartbeat <3 and waited for the man of the hour ~ he arrived, put the cytotec in and he said "well, now the waiting game- I'll be back to check you in 2 hours"... I tried napping, watching TV, blogging even, but nothing kept my attention long enough- I was just so eager -- Lots of people have different responses to Cytotec, for me- it made me crampy like the first day of your period... those annoying pains you want to take midol/Tylenol for, but of course I couldn't. Well the hours past by dr. came back to check.. and.... no.change. WTF?! he said he'd come back in 2 more hours to check, but if no change then, i would be sent home to see if regular activity could get things going, or if maybe the cytotec would do nothing.. well I'm sure you could guess what happened.. yep your right, noon came around and he checked and NOTHING.. finger tip dilated 70% effaced.. damn damn damn! So I gathered my thoughts, clothes & hospital bag and went home :( -- but along with the things I gathered, I also brought the cramps ah!
**As a side note, I wasn't too angry to go home, it was Halloween after all and in our town trick-or-treating at the mall was that night, and I really was sad that I was going to miss T trick-or-treating -- but I didn't have to! I knew the walking may help so I was all about it.
*~*~*~*~ break time ~*~*~*~*
Friday- 11/09/12 -- did not think it would take me 3 days to type this, that's IF I finish today- haha - but all jokes aside, I need to finish so I can post about our 1st week home!!Walking around the mall, carrying T really had things going in the cramp department. Before I left the hospital they said- cramps are a good sign, hopefully we will see you tomorrow, if not you are to check in Friday morning and we will start pitocin. -- booo! When we got home from the mall the cramps were unbearable- I tried laying down on the couch to rest since T had passed out. I laid there for 30 minutes and woke up in so much pain, I curled up into a ball and tears started to fall from eyes- *side note again I have ZERO pain tolerance.. they littlest pain really effects me = I'm a big baby.* I woke up around 6:45pm rocking back & forth trying to relax and then told D I needed to call doctor
*~*~*~*~ here we are again, another day- it's Saturday @ 1:15,both girls went down at the same time so there is no reason I can't get this done.. right?~*~*~*~*~*
I called the doctor and even just by my breathing he said, head on over they will be expecting you. At this time it was about 730pm, I hated the idea of going in and just being sent home AGAIN, I cried, like a baby, to D

GIANA JADE entered the world <3
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6lbs 13 oz, 20 1/4 inches long <3 |

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love at first sight |
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sweet girl <3 |
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we did it, really did it. |
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first family photo <3 |
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