Friday, May 11, 2012

IT'S A ..... :)

I know I will be posting tomorrow for my weekly post, but I couldn't contain my excitement anymore... I had a private ultra sound yesterday that had been scheduled for 2 weeks now.... the wait felt like eternity because it was specifically to FIND OUT THE SEX of our baby! I brought only T with me to this appointment ; I wanted to make it special for her, so she could start to understand what is going to happen in the next 5.5 months! and of course to also be able to come home and tell D :)

As soon as the Ultra Sound Tech put the "wand" (as she calls it) on my stomach she said "well, well- are you ready?" then started laughing because apparently when she looked over at me I was CHEESING like you would not believe and Tia was S.T.A.R.R.I.N.G at the screen trying to figure out what the heck was going on-- she knew it DEFIANTLY was not Dora, but what the heck was it?!

I ,of course, with excitement started clapping and saying yesss, yesss I'm ready, I can't believe I'm going to find out this early!!...

Well without further adieu... baby #2 is.......a.................................................................................




I could not be more excited!! I was hoping for another girl, growing up with my sister D* I loved her more than anything (yes sometimes I begged mom to send her back to the baby store, but what older sister hasn't?!?!?)- playing with her and growing up with her was so much fun, and now she is my best friend. I can only hope T & her baby sister (LOVE SAYING THAT) will have a bond like my sister and I (little shout out: LOVE YOU D <3) - T is such a nurturing type of little girl, she is going to be so ecstatic when the baby comes (and yes I know, it's not going to be all roses all the time, but dandelions are okay too sometimes right?) -- I cannot believe it-- at 14 weeks and 5 days, I found out sex! Now on to registryyyy :) so excitinggggggg :) :)  

Well I guess that's it- until tomorrow!

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