Monday, July 30, 2012

26 weeks!

96 days away from d- day.. holy $#@^ --  It was a great week!! The downside of this past week (get this outta the way now) -- SWELLING!! My feet didn't swell, really nothing was swollen but my belly with T until I was 37 weeks! I was looking forward to that again, but G has another plan in mind. By the end of the day, my feet feel like bricks - heavy, squishy and just ugh, but that's okay -- okay, the upside (sort of) the nesting phase has begun.. I rearranged my living room, moved T's toys to a new section to make room for G's things. Since we are still in our two bedroom apartment (with our roommate) I am not doing a nursery (sad face) yet, just setting up the things we NEED - i.e. crib, swing, changing table etc. ~ making room for those things are starting to make it real. I was sort of procrastinating, but know if I wait too much longer it will just cause me undue stress- so chop chop! We are using T's crib since we used it maybe 10 times (haha) and probably will barley be used again with G, but I want it set up just in case :) - When we do finally move, I have ideas ready for the girls room and thought about it, it will be nice to move into a new place and set things up exactly how I want them and not have to move them around :) I started updating my registry this week, taking off the unnecessary things- i.e. wipe warmer -- I mean really most babies don't like their diaper changed warm wipe or cold, so no thanks to that, something I added that I looked up a lot was a Moby - I love the idea. I had a carrier with T, but I absolutely love the closeness and hands free ability with the moby!  I am really starting to get excited -- my mom has begun planning my baby shower -- September 15th! seems so far away, but really is not that far; as I mentioned before 96 days...

T and I have been doing a lot of fun things these past few weeks; I really am trying to enjoy the time we have just her and I ( I will still make time for T&Mommy time even when G comes, but it wont be so easy!) This week we did something she loved- we made cupcakes -- she helped crack eggs, stir, scoop into pan, kept track of time, and put icing & sprinkles. She was so proud :) -- we also mad breakfast- funcakes= pancakes in fun shapes-- I'm such a lucky mom -- can't believe how fast time is going, on to another week!!
funcakes :)

sweet sleepy girl <3

The baby is the size of a : HEAD OF LETTUCE


At week 26, baby may be interfering with your sleep, messing with your brain (forget much?), and even be giving you a stress headache or two. It’s normal to be experiencing some mild swelling, but around this week, it’s important to watch out for swelling severe or sudden -- it could be the sign of a dangerous condition called pre-eclampsia

New Symptoms: Nothing new :)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Not sure yet, only go by the doctors scale-- have an appointment on the 13th, which in fact is my last MONTHLY appointment, I move up to TWO appointments a month- woohoo!
Maternity Clothes:  same as last week - summer is making it easy to not have to buy much materinty clothes, but what would be better- buying clothes and not too worried 
Stretch Marks: NONE! (keep fingers crossed)
Sleep: no change!
Movement: I think she has flipped around- no longer breached because I am feeling so seriously strong kicks/punches in my ribs!!
Food Cravings/Aversions: nothing new :)
Gender:  GIRL :)
Belly Button In or Out:In!
What I Miss: belly sleeping :(
What I am Looking Forward To: baby shower!

Monday, July 23, 2012

25 weeks!

 This was a great week for the whole family again. I am starting to really round out-- I have been looking back at older posts and it's mind blowing how quickly time has gone! I'm really exciting and anxious for her to come, but of course knows she needs this 15 weeks to cook up! It's a bit crazy for me now so this is going to be cut short- but quick wrap up : T is doing sooo sooo sooo good with potty training, she feels so grown up with her panties-- Keela is so loving, we are so lucky to have a dog like her- T riding her like a horse doesnt bother her one bit- such a good PIT BULL -- :) :) and Daddy is doing well too, finally starting to get excited about baby G instead of nervous :)

nothing is cuter then a baby wedge :)

skateboard girl <3

Baby is the size of a: CAULIFLOWER!
Maybe you’re getting nervous about delivery, or maybe it’s your haywire hormones, but you might start to have trouble sleeping around week 25. This is a common complaint of many moms-to-be. Experiment with different strategies for getting some sleep.

New Symptoms: Nothing new :)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: went to doctors Wednesday, not sure how much I gained this week but in total only 9 lbs total gained! He said he's guessing ill gain about 20 lbs, good by me :)
Maternity Clothes:  bottoms definitely maternity- but just larger tops :) <-- same as last week
Stretch Marks: NONE! (keep fingers crossed)
Sleep: no change!
Movement: I think she has flipped around- no longer breached because I am feeling so seriously strong kicks/punches in my ribs!!
Food Cravings/Aversions: nothing new :)
Gender:  GIRL :)
Belly Button In or Out:In!
What I Miss: tanning beds -- yes, I am biracial so I am "Tan as it is" but a tanning bed was so relaxing, 20 minutes of solid me time and quick naps ;)
What I am Looking Forward To: 4D appointment on the 13th!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

24 weeks!

           I have given up on trying to get my posts up everytime on Saturday, so as long as I get it up sometime during the weekend -- I think i'm good:: 24 weeks! 24 weeks! wow-- and as someone pointed out this week -- 6  M.O.N.T.H.S! So crazy exciting how fast time is going! This little girl is going to be here before I know it! This heat New England is having is crazy! I know they say when you are pregnant the summer heat feels a bit hotter, but hot molasses is it HOT! I now have physical therapy twice a week for my back issues (sciatica) I am going to bring up induction at my next appointment seeing as how each doctor I have spoken with has said I will probably have this pain until G is born, so I need an end in sight-- thinking to ask about Halloween -- 1. its only 4 days before my EDD, and 2. how neat would it be to have both my kids born on a Holiday?! haha, guess we will see!
          We as a family had a great week :) T starts ballet on Monday, so exciting and she has started POTTY TRAINING- today (Sunday) marks one week and I must say my girl has got it down pat!! I'm so proud!!-- D has been working on his car and it's coming together -- and the animal children are doing well too. This week we started talking what we can get rid of to make room for G; two bedroom apartment.. T is already in our room and we have a roommate whom we love-- on the waiting list to get a 3 bedroom, but I dont foresee that happening before G gets here :/ so the planning begins!

Photos of the week:

happy girl :)
what momm!?

lipgloss loving <3

sweet girls

sleepy head

how is this comfortable?!

oh the life of a dog <3

Baby is the size of a: CANTALOUPE!
At week 24, baby’s progress isn’t just about internal stuff, it’s about her looks too. With pinker, more opaque skin, she’s looking more and more, well, like a baby. You might be experiencing some of the discomforts of the later months of pregnancy like leg cramps, backaches and swollen feet. <--  right on the money
24 weeks 4 days!

belly shot at the pool- wow.

 belly photos <3

New Symptoms: Runny nose in the morning...? odd
Total Weight Gain/Loss: not sure-- doctors appointment Wednesday- will find out then.
Maternity Clothes:  bottoms definitely maternity- but just larger tops :) <-- same as last week
Stretch Marks: NONE! (keep fingers crossed)
Sleep: same ol' same ol'- at this point, I am getting used to waking up early; even when I wake up at 7:01 I get excited that I had an extra minute of sleep.. literally.. haha
Movement: Moves so much! Her moving/sleeping pattern has started to change a bit, little more active at night and its so low- almost feels like her little feet are beating on me, more my pubic bone! -- <3
Food Cravings/Aversions: Aversions, I still have under control- new love, HOT FRIES... nasty I know, but they taste just so goooood.
Gender:  GIRL :)
Belly Button In or Out:In!
What I Miss: Sitting with my legs closed, haha-meaning on the steps of my back deck- my belly hangs right between my legs so it's so unlady like, haha, ohwell!
What I am Looking Forward To: Scheduling my elective ultra sound to see Miss G with some fat on her body and get some 4D photos!

Happy Sunday!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

23 weeks!

This post is a day late and honestly, I can't believe I'm able to get it up NOW -- I'm so burnt out! This was a pretty good week, besides the sciatica (doctors Monday morning thank goodness) -- 
        It was a very eventful week- the regular week schedule, a wedding Friday, out Saturday night for my best friends birthday- wooo, talk about busy! Normally I have the energy, but Miss Giana is stealing all the energy! The wedding was beautiful- it was so nice to see all my friends in one place! 

my beautiful best friend Jenny :)

my girls :)

tres amigos!

Here are some photos from the week : 
sun bathing baby girl!

2 of my girls! catching some rays!

ice cream date with mommy!

Baby is the size of a: GRAPEFRUIT! 

Baby can listen to your voice and your heartbeat -- and even to loud sounds like cars honking and dogs barking at this stage.

New Symptoms: Nothing new :: going to doctor's tomorrow (Monday) to get this sciatica under control!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 2lbs
Maternity Clothes:  bottoms definitely maternity- but just larger tops :) 
Stretch Marks: NONE! (keep fingers crossed)
Sleep: Just getting WORSE -- but you know what, i don't even care- my love for Giana conquers this battle with sleep i have everyday -- VICTORY IS MINEEE! 
Movement: I love feeling her move- I cant see her movements on top of my stomach YET, but I got her pattern down, still moving a lot during the day- she is not a major mover at night - so I can't blame her for keeping me up at night - hehe :) love this girl so much!
Food Cravings/Aversions: I got the food under control, I can feel my appetite creeping up on me, and am trying to fight that a bit -- trying to drink lots of water to fill me up instead of eating EVERY hour like my body wants!
Gender:  GIRL :)
Belly Button In or Out:In!
What I Miss: Being able to stay up late and not necessarily pay for it the next day. Night time is usually mommy/daddy time -- and I have been STRUGGLING to keep up with it, love D so much for understanding, but miss our time together to watch a movie or just chat <3 we make time during the day now, but its just little bits here and there in between working and running after the girls (human & animal haha)
What I am Looking Forward To: seeing the  movements on my stomach! D&T can feel her, but seeing it will be so fun for all of us!

Happy Sunday!