Sunday, August 26, 2012

30 weeks!

I'm just in shock- how in the world am I at 30 weeks already?! I feel like I say this every week- but 30... really?? 30?? I only have 10 weeks left give or take?? officially freaking out. Did finally get our room cleaned out to make room for her crib which will hopefully be set up today (cross your fingers) -- bad news, shower invites have not gone out yet- whoops.. 3 weeks away, that's still enough time right? Well let's hope so -- I'm giving myself a dead line to make sure they are out by Wednesday!

     This week has been a pretty good one, recently I have been trying to think of the day I'm having rather than thinking of the week as a whole. As much pain I am in, it is all for this beautiful baby girl I will have in a little over 2 months- and she is worth it and more. The idea that she is coming so soon is scary, but exciting at the same time. I wish I would have made a blog when I was pregnant with T, so I could remember what I was feeling at this point :/ -- the worst thing right now (besides sciatica) is the heartburn, I said this last post but it is not getting any better - Milk & I have become best friends by the time it's time to go to bed! :) I get to see baby G on Wednesday again and hope she has flipped head down- it makes me nervous to think she is still breached with it getting so tight in there- after my (elective) ultra sound I have a regular doctor's appointment scheduled with one of the new MD's. That's one thing I'm not comfortable with is I'm not 100% sure who will deliver G- there are a total of 4 doctors- 2 of them I absolutely love- both males, and are wonderful and attentive- one of them delivered T- the other two are brand new to the practice and they are both female. I met one when I had the mini-stroke, and she was kind, but she looked about 6-7 months pregnant so she probably wont be there when G is ready (she will probably be on maternity leave) - so now I have to pray this other woman is nice as well. I do still want to be induced for many reasons, the two biggest reasons are:  1. To have a plan for T. I am so afraid of how she is going to react about mommy staying at the hospital and her not with me (or maybe me not being with her is what I'm afraid of)-  I have NEVER slept away from her, ever- never want to. If it was appropriate I'd have her stay at the hospital with me, but I don't think it is appropriate so we will have to do the next best thing- and that is for D to come home with her at night time to keep her regular routine going or maybe have a slumber party with Lola (her grandma/my mom) she's the only other person I trust T with besides D and myself - and even when I leave her with my mom (for example if I went out with the girls) I call/text probably 100+ times -- nerve wracking! 2.  my pain:: I love G with all my heart and want her to cook as long as she needs so I'm only looking to induce 4 or so days before her scheduled due date- this back pain is extreme- I hate taking medication, even Tylenol so I only take it when I can't handle it anymore.

Braxton hicks have really kicked up this week-- have them pretty often actually- such a strange feeling. I never remember having them with T, but I think that's because I was unsure what they were before (haha). 

T met a new friend this week (which I love) and she adores. Her new thing to say is "mommy, where my friend?" and truly mean it- finally someone else who understands her is what she's thinking I bet. She does so well with other kids, I am so lucky & proud. Her manners and being thoughtful is so sweet to see. I am one proud mama :) 

Baby is the size of a(n): CUCUMBER!

At 30 weeks, your belly’s doing more than just making it tough to find a comfortable sleeping position. It’s made itself a conversation piece. Everywhere you go, someone seems to have a comment about your physical appearance, which isn’t always so fun. And no doubt, you’ve encountered quite a few people who don’t think before they speak and say something embarrassing or hurtful (what’s up with that?) Try not to take those comments seriously, but know which ones should be taken to heart. Like when they tell you you’re glowing, believe them! And take advantage of some of the perks (when someone offers you their seat on the train -- take it!) At week 30, your dreams might be getting even weirder -- if you’re actually sleeping, that is. That could be a result of anxiety, so consider doing some prep work to help you rest easier. One idea? Do a test drive to see exactly how long it really takes you to get to the hospital. Then maybe you’ll stop having nightmares about giving birth in your car.

New Symptoms:  Swollen feet by the end of the day; it's not really new- just more noticeable this past week :/ 
please don't mind my feet :/
Total Weight Gain/Loss: will find out on Wednesday. 
Maternity Clothes:  no change, the nice part of it being dresses all the time, they grow with you ;) 
Stretch Marks: NONE! (keep fingers crossed)
Sleep: same as last week, but knowing we are only 10 weeks (+/-) out- screw sleep! haha
Movement: SO MUCH MOVEMENT- I love that I can see her move <3 
Food Cravings/Aversions: nothing new :)
Gender:  GIRL :)
Belly Button In or Out:In!
What I Miss:  Cute clothes -- I have about 8 dresses that I have in rotation now because everything else is too tight or not flattering :/
What I am Looking Forward To3d/4d ultrasound :) -- wish I could have them every day- or have one at home, lol- may be a little obsessive if I did that -- but so looking forward to seeing her chubby cheeks again :)

photos from the week: 

my sweet gal <3 

daddy & his "lap" dog

oh luna <3

gave herself bangs- haha!

sweetest pup there is :)

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

29 weeks!

Why hello there 29 weeks, how lovely to see you! This past week has not been too bad :) My belly is really growing- I honestly feel like it blew up on morning and BAM - I now get the "oh my gosh, when are you due" and when I say November their eyes get HUGE- haha, yes I'm 5'2.5"- and I have a short torso- so yeah the only place for G to grow is OUT- :) The picture below- wow, as a side note- my breasts are HUGE -- I mean I was never a small cup to begin with but my god, this is more than I can handle! I have to go bra shopping soon here because I keep falling out the sides bras - ahh the perks of pregnancy. 

In more exiting news: I had my 3d/4/d Ultra SOUND on Monday- it was so nice to see her again- she is so chubby!! Ahh! I can't wait to squeeze her little chubby cheeks! I didn't get the best photos so I get to go back in two weeks - best part- FREE OF CHARGE-- I could watch her move around for hours and hours. T came with me and it was so exciting for her- as soon as the tech switched it over the 4D- she is " awe mommy-- baby sistaaaah!" Got the biggest smile on her face. I hope I remember this when we go back, but I'd love to video record her reactions because it really is the cutest thing to see her get so happy/excited-- maybe one day when shes angry with her little sister I could show her the video and say- remember how excited you were?? haha, like that will work (but maybe it will. 

Here are just two photos from the ultra sound; I'm sure I will have more after the next appointment to share :)
little BIG foot :) 

profile <3
I LOVE this outfit, I can't wait to put her in it!
coming home outfit/hospital stay outfit- softest fabric I have EVER felt
check out -- you won't be disappointed!
And now some silly photos of my beautiful girl T <3
decided to do her own hair today <3 haha
mommy suggested a "pony" for her hair and she said "of course you can mommy"
i just love this little girl so much!
The heart burn is still around- which is awful. I had my 28 week appointment and my OB explained to me that it probably wont get any better but there is some over the counter stuff that he has heard works wonders- now if only I could remember the name of it- damn pregnancy brain- I told him this time around I feel a lot more, my energy dwindles quicker than when I was pregnant with T and that this time it just is HARD-- I am not usually a BIG complainer, but wow- I am working for this little girl, haha- He explained to me that most women don't think about the pregnancy when they are on their 2nd/3rd (etc) pregnancy- they think about the labor. Yes the labor is smoother (majority of the time) BUT the pregnancy part takes a toll on your body. Your uterus is softer, which is why you feel more, and your 1st pregnancy did some work to your body, so it is a bit worn, so he said a nicely as he could- its not going to get easier, but managing it is what we can do- so you call whenever you need and we will do whatever we can for you. I walked out of there feeling a bit defeated, until I got in the car and felt G give me a nudge as if saying " mama, it's going to be okay- you've done this part before- love you" and then I smiled and said "I know baby girl, we got this"- so yeah, its going to get harder, but at the end of this I will have another beautiful baby girl who I love unconditionally and wont remember these complaints. I decided after seeing a commercial for Google Mail (gmail I believe) to write letters to G each week- and also to T for them to have when they get older so here goes the 1st for for G :)

<3 Dearest Giana,

I am so looking forward to meeting you and for you to meet your family - in about 79 days, but if you'd like to come in 75 (October 31st) mommy would just die!! Your big sister Tia was born on Valentines day (02.14.10) and think it would be so neat to have you both share a birthday with a holiday- makes it THAT much more special. You are making your mama work to get you here,but you are more than worth it. You are about 2 lbs 6oz and not too sure how long, but when the ultra sound tech did your measurements of your legs you were measuring smaller than your abdomen and head- but duh, I hope you don't mind, but your mommy & daddy are not very tall people- Mommy is 5'2.5" (that .5 matters) and Daddy is 5'9" so you may be a small girl, which is perfectly fine with us- your sister is petite and is simply beautiful so you have nothing to worry about :) I cant wait to see you again in 2 weeks :) Hopefully you go move in the correct position- right now you are breached (head up) so mama needs you to turn around like a good girl so I dont have anxiety about them having to turn you or something! love you sweet girl.


Baby is the size of a(n): ACORN SQUASH!


New Symptoms:  Swollen feet by the end of the day; it's not really new- just more noticeable this past week :/ 
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 11lbs!
Maternity Clothes:  no change, the nice part of it being dresses all the time, they grow with you ;) 
Stretch Marks: NONE! (keep fingers crossed)
Sleep: same as last week, but getting used to it, I think my nesting is kicking in again because as soon as I get up I start cleaning and love that I have the rest of the day not worrying about cleaning up (laundry <wash, dry, fold & put away> = BLAH".
Movement: SO MUCH MOVEMENT- I love that I can see her move <3 
Food Cravings/Aversions: nothing new :)
Gender:  GIRL :)
Belly Button In or Out:In!
What I Miss:  Eating whatever I want without thinking about the fire breathing dragon I become. The heartburn is brutal this time around. Feels like I swallowed thumbtacks that are on fire- its serious!
What I am Looking Forward ToGoing back for another 3d/4d ultra sound-- I got some okay photos, but G is breached and has made a nice cozy spot for herself on my right side wedged way into my ribs so we couldn't get very many shots -- so the tech said, come back in two weeks - best part-- FREE OF CHARGE -- so we can try for better photos. The photos we did get, my oh my-- makes my heart melt!

Happy Saturday!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

28 weeks!

Well well well... here we are 12 weeks shy of "D day" and I am freaking out! I keep up with a few different blogs of women who are expecting and funny enough some are due about a month or less than me which is nice to compare-- but also an eye opener:: I am NO where near ready for my baby girl. Yes physically I am in some serious day to day pain and almost beg to have her like yesterday but I'm reality I am so lucky and grateful that she is staying put an taking all the time she needs-- give your mama a little break every now and then G! Haha, anyway like I was saying no.where.near.ready... We have a changing table (posted a photo last week) and that's it... I keep telling myself "oh you have plenty of time" which sometimes I still think I do but in reality and compared to these other moms I'm following I have dropped the 8 ball. I have to get cracking on it- and will this week! 
     Baby shower invites are going out this week (says mama)-- I am looking forward to that! Each "big"event is a step closer to us meeting out sweet girl (#2) :) I am feeling a little better this week, still minor headaches, so I am not 100%, but am so thankful I am far from what I was feeling last week! I had so much planned to type for this post, but I am exhausted

The baby is the size of a(n): EGGPLANT!

 Welcome to the third trimester! Moms-to-be who are at 28 weeks and beyond are known for their lack of sleep. Remember if you find yourself up in the middle of the night, do something relaxing. This is not the time to vacuum the house from top to bottom -- even though you might feel the urge to do that at some point. Read a book, drink chamomile tea, listen to soothing music. Then try to get back to bed and get some rest! Being in the third trimester also means much of your and baby’s anatomy are ready to go -- she's prepping for breathing, and your breasts already have colostrum, which is what baby will eat the first few days until your milk comes in. You’ll also start feeling more Braxton Hicks contractions as your body gets ready for labor. Baby will keep getting bigger -- and smarter -- after week 28, and other than that, she just needs a few more finishing touches!

Photos from the week:

my sleeping loves <3

best friends <3 xo

best pals :)

my sweet sweet girl <3

I wish I started taking photos sooner, but hey at least I have from 13 weeks on -- I think if I hunt a little more I may be able to find some on a website I post on -- grow G grow <3 can't wait to see you MONDAY (ultrasound that is haha) xo

New Symptoms: the return of HEARTBURN!! It is killing me!! I switched to taking my prenatal vitamin at night because it was causing so much heart burn throughout the day that I now have to take it was a very tall glass of milk -- and I am not a big fan of milk, but it helps- at least I can sorta sleep and its not so bothersome, but wow- it is in FULL force! If G doesn't come out with ponytail length hair I'd be very surprised- haha <3
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Not sure, appointment on Wednesday which starts the appointments every 2 weeks!
Maternity Clothes:  no change, the nice part of it being dresses, they grow with you ;)
Stretch Marks: NONE! (keep fingers crossed)
Sleep: No change, but actually getting used to it, I think my nesting is kicking in again because as soon as I get up I start cleaning and love that I have the rest of the day not worrying about cleaning up (laundry <wash, dry, fold & put away> = BLAH".
Movement: SO MUCH MOVEMENT- I love that I can see her move <3 
Food Cravings/Aversions: nothing new :)
Gender:  GIRL :)
Belly Button In or Out:In!
What I Miss:  sleeping through the night - but looks like I may be missing that for some time unless G decides to be an absolute doll and sleep through the night- I won't hold my breath <3
What I am Looking Forward To: 3/4d ultrasound on the MONDAY!

Happy Saturday!

Monday, August 6, 2012

My first purchases ;)

Yesterday T and I went to do some shopping to get out of the house (it was WAY to hotfor this mama to be outside) and as we were shopping I found these 3 items for baby G -- first things I personally have purchased for her-- it wa like buying clothes for a doll!!! It was so fun, T loved looking at the clothes too but that girl is going to get me in trouble in the next couple of years just tossing clothes into the basket like it was no big deal :) #mommysgirl <3

Another thing we have for baby G is her changing table; since we are trying to figure out what to do for the girls room later down the line we aren't bringing too much into the house when she is first born; carseat(obviously), swing, changing table, crib, pack & play and stroller -- my mom & Mim (grandma) surprised me with her changing table-- I cried when I saw it it is BEAUTIFUL :) things are coming together for our sweet girl, not to much time now!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

27 weeks!

Talked to my mom this week about BABY SHOWER : ) She will be here in 13 weeks! I am looking forward to this baby shower -- The one I had for T was beautiful, a time I will never forget; I'm a bit embarrassed because I have seen that baby showers are usually just for the 1st baby, and well since D and I did not think we were going to have another baby for 5+ years, we donated all a lot of the baby stuff we had for T :/ so now we are basically starting back at square one -- but believe me I have learned my lesson, save EVERYTHING no matter what, haha!
      On a "heavier" note; this was a rough week for me. I feel like G is testing all of my limits, but nothing in this world could make me love this little girl inside me more already, shes just going to get more loved and more loved -- the sciatica has still been painful, but I have learned how to live with it, I know I wont have it for ever so I just try to suck it up and think I'm doing a pretty good job, but this week it was a type of a pain I have NEVER experienced and it had NOTHING to do with my sciatic pain; it was my head. The left frontal lobe (as the doctors explain to me) it was hurting so bad I started to panic, but kept it cool on the outside that is until my right fingers (middle thru pinky) and right side of tongue went numb, my right eye felt as if it had a flash light directly in it and my speech was so hard to make out -- working in an assisted living I knew right away, holy $#^& I'm having a stroke.. I went to the emergency room and they were so wonderful, since I was by myself my anxiety was at an all time high and since my speech was getting mixed up I was getting angry that I couldn't get out what hurting I started to get more upset -- what was happening to me, and worse what was going on with G. I told the nurses I didn't want anything checked until they put a doppler on my stomach to make sure G was okay- thank god she was, her heart rate was 147 (which is usual) but what had me nervous was she was not as active as she usually is, but as I calmed down the nurses explained 1. I haven't been able to keep any food/drink down in the last 6 hours and 2. I am so wound up she is probably just laying low until things on the "outside" go back to normal. After several hours, two different medications for nausea, 2 mg of morphine (which I hated getting, but was in unbearable pain), 2 IV bags, a CAT-SCAN and some peanut butter crackers (I was starving) I had to play the waiting game. I had 3 different doctors come in, ER Doctor, Hospital Doctor and a NEUROLOGIST -- are you kidding me?? I was going crazy- thank god my mom was able to come be with me because I was so afraid something was going to happen to me. All 3 of the doctors believe I had an untreated migraine that had progressed to a transient ischemic attack --  A MINI STROKE -- me, 26 years old mother of one ALMOST 2.. a mini stroke--!@#$%^&*()_+ -- my brain was going crazy. After speaking to the neurologist one on one I had more of a better explanation, but was still worried. She and I discussed signs of a migraine that I need be aware of, and to know my body- which I did, I said from the beginning it was a T.I.A, but then brushed it off because I'm so young, but obviously strokes (can't believe I'm using that word to describe myself) don't care how old you are. They wanted to keep me over night for observation, but since my BP had been back to normal for a few hours and my pain felt a bit more manageable I asked to go home, because I knew the medicine that would make it better was to go home to my family - D,T,,& L -  I have never been so grateful for my family and to open the door and have the first words i hear " OH MOMMY!" it melted my heart and obviously made me cry, I was so happy to be home. This weekend, I am to take it easy- stay out of the sun sadly, take a Tylenol when i need too, not wait to see if it passes and r.e.s.t. which is VERY hard for me, but for G's sake I will! 
    Started my THIRD trimester with a BANG, but its okay - "This too shall pass" <3 I love my family and for them I KNOW I will prevail. Onto another week :) and the 3RD TRIMESTER!!

photos from the week: 

1st time playing with barbies - LOVED to brush their hair :)

thank the good Lord I have great animals, my sweet Luna!

loves of my life <3

The baby is the size of a : RUTABAGA!

At 27 weeks, baby is breathing (it’s amniotic fluid, not air, but it still counts) and even showing brain activity. You’ve got a lot on your brain, too, from wondering what labor and delivery is going to be like to trying to find the best pediatrician for baby. The annoying symptoms you’ve been having probably aren’t going away, but at least you’ve probably found some ways to deal with them -- and hey, maybe you’re used to them right now. As you say goodbye to the second trimester, you can look forward to some pretty embarrassing stuff (like having to pee all the time -- and maybe even when you don’t mean to at all) that’s all par for the late-pregnancy course. It’s time to head down the home stretch. Are you ready?

New Symptoms:  Headaches [ :( ]

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I think I gained a pound, not sure- doctors appointment next week so I will know for sure next post!
Maternity Clothes:  same-- dresses, not much maternity-- it's too hot!
Stretch Marks: NONE!
Sleep: The past two days I have slept WONDERFULLY- but I do believe it's because of the Tylenol with Codeine I got after my... lets say incident, I'm sure I will go back to "normal" in a few days time once I get back on my feet!
Movement: SO MUCH MOVEMENT- I love that I can see her move <3
Food Cravings/Aversions: nothing new :)
Gender:  GIRL :)
Belly Button In or Out:In!
What I Miss:  A COLD BEER! I have said it in an earlier post,but this summer heat is killing me -- nothing quenches a thirst like an iced cold BUD-LIGHT LIME! -- on a lighter note, i miss belly sleeping ;) didnt realize how much of one I was until now!
What I am Looking Forward To: 3/4d ultrasound on the 13th!