Sunday, June 10, 2012

19 weeks!

*ONE DAY LATE-- WHOOPS!* How in the world has time gone by so quickly?!?!?! I'm a week short of being 1/2 done with this pregnancy.. are you kidding me?! Well everyone said it would fly by and it truly is. I get to see Miss Giana again in 11 days and it's those appointments I feel like it's her moment and the idea of having another baby girl around is going to happen sooner than I think -- someone asked me today "are you excited for the baby!?" I totally am, but feel like I'm not able to really enjoy being pregnant now because I'm so on the go with work, T and the animal children- yes D helps a lot which is nice, but its still hard to have that time I did when I was pregnant with T to just sit and stare at my belly or "ooo" and "ahh" about this growing belly of mine! I am very excited for her arrival- and seeing her and T form that sister bond <3 Sometimes (just about every day haha) I feel like when I wake up its like.. woah- there IS a baby in there, look at this belly!

belly @ 19 weeks 1 day!

 This week was an average week - the weather has finally made a turn around, well this weekend at least :) - it was nice to get T outside in the fresh air and warm sun! Today we went to Pawtuckaway state park and had a great time -- here we go onto another week!
Photo of the week: mommy & my baby girl :)
Love you more today than yesterday but not nearly as much as tomorrow <3

Baby is the size of a: MANGO!

Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature. 

New Symptoms: Thigh/Butt pain! When I say I pain I mean I wince walking!!  
Total Weight Gain/Loss: neither!
Maternity Clothes:  dresses and yoga pants and some maternity shirts
Stretch Marks: NONE! (keep fingers crossed)
Sleep: Insomnia is defiantly kicking in- I'm up at 2:00am writing this blog and there is no yawning and tiredness in sight - so sad, because Lord knows I will be awake around 8am AND tomorrow is Market Square day and I'm going to be exhausted-- oh well :)
Movement: So wishing for those major kicks!!!! I was feeling serious business with T at 16 weeks, but I do feel something (and have seen to elective ultra sounds a bunch so I know she's alright) - this damn placenta- oh well, those movements will come soon, I should really enjoy being "comfortable" right?!
Food Cravings/Aversions: Lately, I've been wanting super spicy food- not just buffalo wings, but ANYTHING spicy-crushed red pepper pumpkin seeds- like are you kidding me, normally I would turn my nose away, but wow were they good. A new aversion- sweets- which is a plus-- just can't seem to enjoy them like I used too, and this girl LOVES peanut butter cookies, yeah- not anymore, took a bite and couldn't even finish it without gagging!! 
Gender:  GIRL :)
Belly Button In or Out:In!
What I Miss: s.l.e.e.p.i.n.g
What I am Looking Forward To: I've said it the past maybe 4 post, but really feeling her MOVE --- ahhhh!  

Happy Saturday Everyone!!


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